
About Us

Welcome to the official website of Cub Scout Pack 619. Our Charter is held by the Optimist Club of Valley Center, CA. We are members of the Kit Carson District, in the San Diego Imperial Council, of the Boy Scouts of America. We draw from a community of boys and girls most of whom attend Valley Center Primary, Lilac Elementary, and Valley Center Elementary. We welcome any boy or girl in the 1st through 5th grade.

Our Tiger, Wolf, Bear, Webelos I & II Dens (1st-5th graders) meet as individual Dens 2-3 times monthly. All Dens meet together as a Pack once a month.

This web site has been created to give our Scouts, their families, and visitors to our site an idea of what Cub Scouting is all about and to keep them informed of activities in our Pack. We hope you find our web site helpful and interesting. Please contact us if you have any interest in joining Pack 619 or if you have any questions or comments. Happy Scouting!